Why subscribe?
Strategy isn’t just for strategists or the corporate boardroom - it is for everyone. Whether you’re in the executive suite, a marketer, a strategist, designer, engineer, or product manager, really understanding strategy and making strategic moves can elevate you and your company/product/project to another echelon.
“Insanely Great Strategy” is a nod to the OG Product Manager/Strategist/Marketer, Steve Jobs. Building “insanely great products” is a phrase he used repeatedly in his 20s, his 30s, even right before his death. This singleness of purpose is all he cared about.
This newsletter is an outlet for my ideas on developing insanely great strategy. I’ll take inspiration from the greats when I can, but most of the ideas will be channelled from Athena and the Strategy Gods + my personal experiences.
I’ve been in Product for 20+ years. I’ve seen a lot, learned a lot. Throughout these experiences, I’ve always obsessed about strategy. For a long time, it frustrated me. It eluded me. I didn’t get it. And especially so when I thought I got it.
Here’s what I’ve finally realized about Strategy…
Moats, competitive analyses, Porter, blue oceans, TAMs, SWOTs, etc. are the ABCs or basic formulas of Strategy.
They help, they’re needed but they’re not going to automatically lead to insanely great. There is no formula for this, and it’s not enough to know just your ABCs.
Developing insanely great strategy is like writing beautiful poetry. It’s a creative act. It combines art, beauty and intelligence. I am now a firm believer that it is borne of this dance between the seen and unseen - a balanced and passionate marriage of reasoning and creativity, logic and intuition.
This newsletter explores such deep and novel (and sometimes weird) ideas in strategic thinking. Ideas that can hopefully help you create “insanely great” for your business, products or projects.
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